Who is Trinity Baptist Church – North Cairns?
Who We Are
Trinity Baptist Church North is a new church in the Northern Beaches of Cairns. We are partnering with Trinity Baptist Church of White Rock to start a new church in the northern area of Cairns.
Our Vision
Our goal is to be a part of God’s great kingdom plan by making and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ in the Northern Beaches and gathering them together into a Christ-honouring local church for the glory of God.
Present Plans
Currently, we meet at 10 am on Sunday mornings for worship, Bible teaching and fellowship. In addition, we meet at 5 pm on Sunday evenings for interactive Bible study and training.
Trinity Baptist Church – North Cairns
Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre
205 Reed Road, Trinity Park QLD 4879
Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre
205 Reed Road, Trinity Park QLD 4879
Meeting Times
Sunday mornings @ 10 am
Sunday evenings @ 5 pm
Sunday mornings @ 10 am
Sunday evenings @ 5 pm